Holiday stress is par for the course around this time of the year.
Between gift giving, family obligations and social engagements, it can be hard to keep on top of all that you have to do around the holidays. And then when you factor in work, the stress may be skyrocketing!
But trying to just push forward through the hustle and bustle can be a drain, both personally and professionally. We all know the downside of tons of stress: exhaustion, irritability, annoyance, a negative outlook—and all of that can bleed right into the workplace. A recent report in Corporate Wellness details how important it is to get a handle on your stress: If uncontrolled, it can lead to extensive physical impacts like heart disease and diabetes, as well as mental health complications including substance abuse, depression and anxiety—and all of that works together to keep you less productive and present at work.
So, how can you get ahead of the blues this holiday season? A lot of it can come down to managing your time better, making room for both your work and home lives. Here are three tips that we here at Integrity Staffing Solutions try to practice and encourage all of our associates to follow to put a healthy work/life balance in reach:
Do your planning:
One of the basics of time management is thinking ahead! Knowing that we’re getting into the thick of the holidays, start strategizing now for what you could have coming down the pike. If you know your finances are going to get tighter with all the gift-buying, think ahead about trying to pick up extra shifts at work; at Integrity Staffing Solutions, we use a brand-new app called Opportunity Engine through which associates can easily schedule shifts—which makes planning ahead this time of year just a little bit easier!
Understand your needs—and your limits:
When things get crazy like they do around the holidays, it’s important to be attuned to your needs—from keeping a handle on your schedule to having a smart budget plan in place, when you know where you stand both in your work and home needs, you can be more prepared to manage the stresses that go along with getting there. And, know when you’re taking on too much! Overcommitting can be a major drain on your productivity and a huge contributor to stress.
Be transparent:
If you are feeling stressed and strapped for time this holiday, don’t keep it to yourself. Be open with supervisors and colleagues if you need support and take advantage of all mental health benefits and employee programs your employer offers. We could all use a helping hand this holiday season!
While the holidays bring along a certain level of stress, the season has the potential to be a memorable, exciting time—if you plan ahead, are smart about not taking on too much and rely on others for support. So, get planning and then get ready for a fun and relaxing holiday season.